Boost Your Commercial and Small/Medium Physical Security Awareness Factor

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Most of us think we know physical security and believe we have taken appropriate steps to protect our businesses. However, the security climate and threats, as well as the technologies used to combat those threats, are changing so rapidly that keeping up is a full-time job. It is near impossible to know everything possible about physical security but as a business owner, it is never a bad idea to boost your physical security intelligence quotient.

Here are some important facts you should know that can help protect your business.

Physical Security Isn’t Just Alarms

Physical security, best implemented, should take a multi-layered approach that involves many systems such as access control, video surveillance, intrusion detection, fire alarms and suppression, locks, and environmental barriers.

Basic Elements of Physical Security

  • Obstacles such as fences, vehicle barriers, and vehicle height restrictors, to disturb and delay the action of trivial attackers.
  • The removal of physical elements that hinder vision and provides cover, such as tall bushes and large decorative items.
  • Detection systems to discover ongoing intrusion attempts. They include CCTV surveillance systems, alarms, security patrols, and security lighting.
  • Security response system to repel or catch the intruders.

Your Physical Security Components

  • Environmental design elements.
  • Mechanical, electronic, and procedural access control elements.
  • Intrusion detection.
  • Personnel Identification (authentication).
  • Human Interaction.

Physical Security Threats are Changing

Here is a hard truth: No business is exempt from being a target. Today, criminals are after much more than physical merchandise. Your business also holds a wealth of private information they desire to use in numerous ways, which makes even the small business a big payday. How criminals attack your business is also changing, with the increased use of sophisticated technologies. This makes employing a layered approach to security even more important.  

Physical Security Technology is Advancing

Physical security is rapidly advancing, and that is great news for businesses. Today, security technologies are as advanced and sophisticated as your needs and can scale to meet future needs going beyond pure security. For example, whereas video surveillance only recorded events in the past, today analytics can alert you to the potential of trouble. That same technology can provide additional knowledge about your business, such as traffic, dwelling, and unauthorized presence. To get the most advantage from today’s technological offerings and their capabilities, it is critical that business owners consult a professional.

For more information about boosting your physical security awareness, call Advantage Systems Group today! We’ve been one of the Midwest’s leading custom electronics design and installation companies since 1970.

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